Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Car

So I bought a new car. Well not completely new. It is a 2007 Honda Civic. I am very excited about this purchase! It is my favorite color blue. For years I have refused to get a "new car." I have had a Toyota forever and have been determined to get all the miles I can out of it. I have never had a car payment and wasn't thrilled about acquiring one, but my hubby convinced me it was time. I named her Violet.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bonnie Springs

Last weekend we took Jacob to Bonnie Springs. Will and I both have fond memories of going there as kids. We told Jacob we were going to the beach that weekend. But the rain won out and we needed a back up plan. Jacob went crazy for the train and petting zoo. I did not fair so well, a goat tried to eat my dress. All and all it was a fun outing.