Friday, November 6, 2009

St. George, Halloween and Wally

On Nevada Day I was off and Jacob and I got ready for Halloween by carving pumpkin. He insisted sleeping with his pumpkin each night from there on. His excitement was so contagious. We went to my parents for dinner and then trick or treating in their neighborhood. His costume was Bumblebee from Transformers. This is the first year that he really got the concept and was such a big boy to go up to the doors on his own. Though he did become a little distracted looking for bugs with his glow light. He had so much candy he couldn't carry his bag. Quoting him, "it was the best Halloween ever!"

I went to St. George with my mom and super cute cousin Kylie. We did a weekend trip and had tons of fun shopping and eating cupcakes. There is a cute little cafe on Main Street and the food and cupcakes are phenomenal. I recommend the chocolate with raspberry frosting.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Welcome Baby Lexi

Will's sister had her second daughter this past Friday. Her name is Lexi and we got the chance to meet her yesterday. Madison (her big sister) is so cute with her. We love having another addition to the family. I just love little girls.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cereal and Yogurt

Cereal is Jacob's main food group. He loves it so much I don't think my describing it can do it justice. When we go to the store he feels that its his special treat. He picks out the box he wants and must carry it through the whole store and then carry the bag to the car, sitting it right beside him for the ride home. Cereal is the first word he speaks each morning and then will eat 2-3 bowls. I don't mean kiddie bowls, I mean man size bowls. We went over to my parents today and my mom had brand new box for him. He had a bowl at her house and took it home. We had some stops to make before we got home and he insisted on bringing it everywhere we went. Not to snack on it, but simply to carry the box. Jacob also cannot get enough of yogurt. He consumes it like crazy. We use yogurts as treat incentives for being good, eating his dinner, etc. It works like a charm. Some days I cannot believe how much he can pack away. I suppose little boys need it for all the running, jumping, and wrestling they do. It does make me think about our food bill ten years from now.

End of Summer Days

We have been enjoying the end (hopefully) of hot weather. Jacob likes to go to the pool. Although, he is still too afraid to venture very far in the water. He hangs on the steps mostly. We went to AZ a couple weekends ago to visit Will's parents and Jacob got this cool airplane launcher from them, hours of entertainment.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Goat Cheese Tart

In the summer of 2005 I moved in to an apartment with my BFF Rachel. It was our first time to really be on our own. We became enamored in the Food Network and loved experimenting with recipes. We soon discovered that I loved to cook and while Rachel also loved to cook she was a fabulous baker. Today I was cleaning my kitchen, removing the cookbooks on the counter and several pieces of paper started to fall out. I noticed one in particular was the Goat Cheese Tart. This was one of my favorite things Rachel made. I have missed this masterpiece and thought of it often since I have left New York and my dear friend Rachel. Goat Cheese if by far the creamiest cheese I have ever tasted. This tart is decadent and sinfully delish, as it is filled with heavy cream! I know that one day I will have to break down and make it for myself. Which will not be soon because Will doesn't eat cheese and I really can't justify making a whole tart just for me. This picture does not allow you to see the whole recipe. But you can find it on by Ina Garten. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Scrubs and School

On Monday Will started his Nursing Assistant training. It is a four day a week intensive program this summer. We will be very glad when he is done. When he is finished he will work for a hospital or a rehab facility while continuing to work towards his RN degree.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wally...or Something Else!

So we have acquired a dog. His name is Wally and he is a great deal of fun. My sister is moving and hasn't had Wally very long. So was looking for a home for him and it was perfect timing for us. We had been searching for the right dog for a while. Something small, has been around children, and at least 2 years old. Wally fits all of those requirements. We like the name Wally, but were thinking we should re-name him (kind of making him our own). I am open to suggestions.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jacob's Room

So I have done a little work on Jacob's room. We got him a big boy bed. It only took 5 hours to put it together. It came with a gigantic booklet. I planned to work on his room the weekend over Memorial Day. That way it would be ready before he came the next weekend. At the last minute we decide to take him on Memorial Day. So Will and I stayed up until 2am on Sunday finishing the bed. I tried my hardest to hang curtains but just ended up drilling a bunch of holes in the wall. Is it really so complicated? I just don't seem to have the knack for curtain rods.

Naps, New Hair, and Birthday

So its been a while I suppose. There hasn't been a lot to report lately. Will finished the semester with straight A's! He starts his CNA classes on Monday so we are enjoying the calm before the storm. I had my birthday yesterday. Will and I went to the Cheesecake Factory with my parents. I also got my hair done.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Car

So I bought a new car. Well not completely new. It is a 2007 Honda Civic. I am very excited about this purchase! It is my favorite color blue. For years I have refused to get a "new car." I have had a Toyota forever and have been determined to get all the miles I can out of it. I have never had a car payment and wasn't thrilled about acquiring one, but my hubby convinced me it was time. I named her Violet.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bonnie Springs

Last weekend we took Jacob to Bonnie Springs. Will and I both have fond memories of going there as kids. We told Jacob we were going to the beach that weekend. But the rain won out and we needed a back up plan. Jacob went crazy for the train and petting zoo. I did not fair so well, a goat tried to eat my dress. All and all it was a fun outing.