Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Scrubs and School

On Monday Will started his Nursing Assistant training. It is a four day a week intensive program this summer. We will be very glad when he is done. When he is finished he will work for a hospital or a rehab facility while continuing to work towards his RN degree.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wally...or Something Else!

So we have acquired a dog. His name is Wally and he is a great deal of fun. My sister is moving and hasn't had Wally very long. So was looking for a home for him and it was perfect timing for us. We had been searching for the right dog for a while. Something small, has been around children, and at least 2 years old. Wally fits all of those requirements. We like the name Wally, but were thinking we should re-name him (kind of making him our own). I am open to suggestions.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jacob's Room

So I have done a little work on Jacob's room. We got him a big boy bed. It only took 5 hours to put it together. It came with a gigantic booklet. I planned to work on his room the weekend over Memorial Day. That way it would be ready before he came the next weekend. At the last minute we decide to take him on Memorial Day. So Will and I stayed up until 2am on Sunday finishing the bed. I tried my hardest to hang curtains but just ended up drilling a bunch of holes in the wall. Is it really so complicated? I just don't seem to have the knack for curtain rods.

Naps, New Hair, and Birthday

So its been a while I suppose. There hasn't been a lot to report lately. Will finished the semester with straight A's! He starts his CNA classes on Monday so we are enjoying the calm before the storm. I had my birthday yesterday. Will and I went to the Cheesecake Factory with my parents. I also got my hair done.